Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Telling time

I was learning to tel the time to 5 minutes. I know that the long hand tells us the minutes and I need to count in my fives to figure it out. It was easy to remember that the short hand tells us the hour.


I was learning about prefixes.  I know that a prefix goes at the beginning of the word and it changes the meaning of the root word.  It was tricky to remember the meaning of the different prefixes.

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

My limerick

 It was easy because you ownley had to do 5 lines .And the photo so you now.
                     I was learning to write a limerick.
                      In a limerick I need  to have 5 lines .Lines 1 2 and 5 need to rhyme as well as lines 3 and

Friday, 24 May 2019

Making butter

We were  learning about giving instructions. We need to write what will  be needed and how to do it. Our instructions need to be in the right order.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019


Welcome to my blog.  This year I am in Room 28 and my teacher is Miss Kim.