Thursday, 23 August 2018

I Am Learning To Use The EPS Values On Wheels Day

This term the Year 2 syndicate had a fun Wheels Day!
We had to use our Elm Park School Values:

Respect: Have a caring attitude to others
=>we had to share our wheels and take turns on the course
=>we had to look after our friends if they got hurt

Responsibility: Be prepared for the day
=>we had to bring our safety equipment for the wheels day

Resilience: Participate in a new experience at EPS
=>we had to make good choices and be sensible when riding our wheels
=>we had to ask a buddy or teacher for help if we had a problem with our wheels

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

I Am Learning To Read With Fluency And Expression

I need to remember to:
*think about the meaning of the words as I read  
*add expression by changing the volume, speed, and feeling in my voice
*read smoothly and quickly (not like a robot)

When I read with fluency and expression it helps me to understand the text more!

It also helps other people to understand the text more too.

Monday, 20 August 2018

I Am Learning To Write A Recount

My 100 Days

On Friday Room 7 did a 100 days party and it was fun. First we did a zero the hero song and we showed off our muscles. Next we did the 100 cupcakes and we went with two colours. I put pink and green icing on the cupcakes and orange, blue and brown m and ms on them. Finally we made our groovy glasses and we coloured our groovy glasses with pastels. I think that we should have another 100 days party. I loved it!

By Noah