Thursday, 15 November 2018

I Am Learning To Find The Fractions Of Shapes

I can identify a whole of shapes and objects I can identify halves of shapes and objects I can identify quarters of shapes and objects I can show that a fraction is part of a whole by using materials or images

The Triangles group had a race to see who could match up all the fractions with the correct shape pictures first. Congratulations Escada, Chloe and Noah for coming first in this game!

I Am Learning To Write A Cinquain Poem

Saturday, 3 November 2018

I Am Learning To Create A Piece Of Wearable Art And Participate In A Creative Dance

I know I have been successful when I can:
Draw the outline of stars 
Draw detailed patterns and symbols inside the stars
Dye the stars effectively using contrasting colours against the background
Create some dance steps that relate to the music
Perform a dance routine in time to the music 

Saturday, 27 October 2018

I Am Learning To Retell The Main Ideas From Non Fiction Text

For reading we had to retell the main ideas from a non fiction text. 

Then in my reading group we created a mind map together on the website Popplet to help record the main ideas.

Thursday, 23 August 2018

I Am Learning To Use The EPS Values On Wheels Day

This term the Year 2 syndicate had a fun Wheels Day!
We had to use our Elm Park School Values:

Respect: Have a caring attitude to others
=>we had to share our wheels and take turns on the course
=>we had to look after our friends if they got hurt

Responsibility: Be prepared for the day
=>we had to bring our safety equipment for the wheels day

Resilience: Participate in a new experience at EPS
=>we had to make good choices and be sensible when riding our wheels
=>we had to ask a buddy or teacher for help if we had a problem with our wheels

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

I Am Learning To Read With Fluency And Expression

I need to remember to:
*think about the meaning of the words as I read  
*add expression by changing the volume, speed, and feeling in my voice
*read smoothly and quickly (not like a robot)

When I read with fluency and expression it helps me to understand the text more!

It also helps other people to understand the text more too.

Monday, 20 August 2018

I Am Learning To Write A Recount

My 100 Days

On Friday Room 7 did a 100 days party and it was fun. First we did a zero the hero song and we showed off our muscles. Next we did the 100 cupcakes and we went with two colours. I put pink and green icing on the cupcakes and orange, blue and brown m and ms on them. Finally we made our groovy glasses and we coloured our groovy glasses with pastels. I think that we should have another 100 days party. I loved it!

By Noah

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

I Am Learning To Retell A Story

I need to remember to:

*Think about the story as I am reading it
*Look at the pictures to help me understand the story
*Retell the story in order from the beginning to the middle to the end

I Am Learning To Recall My Basic Facts

This term we have been learning our basic facts to help us with our Basic Fact-a-thon. We have been playing a game called Slide Addition on the iPad to help us learn them.

Monday, 28 May 2018

I Am Learning To Use Describing Words

For Mother’s Day we had to write a poem in word art.

We are learning to use describing words in our writing to make it interesting. We loved making our cards in Word Art and choosing the shape, colour and font.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

I Am Learning To Use The EPS Values On A School Trip

Today our class went to the Buddhist Temple and participated in lots of different activities.

We learnt about the 3G's:

1. Do good deeds
2. Say good words
3. Think good thoughts

I am learning to show respect by:
Using my manners
Listening to my teacher, my parent and Temple staff when they are speaking
Having a caring attitude to others in my group

I am learning to show resilience by:
Participating in new activities and learning experiences at the Temple
Making good choices
Asking for help if needed

I am learning to be responsible by:
Being prepared – wearing the correct school uniform and getting to school on time to catch the bus to the Temple
Following instructions and rules from the staff at the Temple
Staying with my group and parent at the Temple

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

I Am Learning to Read Bar Graphs and Talk About the Results

I am learning to read a bar graph and answer questions

I need to:
*read the question
*read the data (information) on the graph
*identify the lowest (fewest) and highest (most) bars
*read the quantities
*compare the data on the graph
*answer questions about the data (information) on the graph

Noah-  The green one has the fewest games. He has 7 games. The purple one has the most games and he has 11 games.

My Reflection
I am learning to see which one is higher and which one is lower. I am good at it. The next step is for me to practise this on Mathletics. 

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

I Am Learning To Sound Out 3 Letter Words

I am in Kiwis for reading and we have been learning to use different reading strategies. We have been learning to sound out 3 letter words.

We need to:
*Sound out each letter in the word in order
*Blend the sounds together to read the word

We love using Stretchy Snake!

My Reflection
I am learning to sound out the words. It can be tricky to do it sometimes. I make mistakes but I still sound out the words. I can ask the teacher or a buddy for help.

I Am Learning To Create A Self Portrait

I drew my self portrait using a sketching pencil.
I needed to think about size, shape and position of body parts

I coloured my self portrait using pastels.
I needed to think about using colours effectively by blending different pastel colours

I coloured my background using pastels.
I needed to think about using warm and cool colours for effect

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

I am learning to use capital letters and full stops

I am learning to use capital letters correctly:
I use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.
I use a capital letter for the word ‘I.’
I use a capital letter for names of things.

I am learning to use full stops correctly:
I use a full stop at the end of a sentence.

When I grow up I want to a BMX rider because I like riding.

My Reflection
I am learning to do full stops and do big capital letters at the start of my writing. I did a good job at this. I find it tricky a little bit to do this in my writing book. I need to keep trying at it.